CKMS filter
CKMS filter (or fast Chandrasekhar recursions)
When the model is time invariant (which also implies that we don’t have missing values), it is usually much more efficient to use the Chandrasekhar recursions, which propagate the difference of the covariance matrix:
If we write:
the CKMS recursions are:
It is clear that if we can take $M_0 = F_0$ (see below for stationary models with their unconditional initial distribution), the last equation is redundant ( $M_t=F_t$ ). Then, the recursions are
In the case of stationary models, the usual (unconditional) distribution of the state is defined by the relationship:
So, we have:
and we can take:
It can be shown that the CKMS algorithm is also valid for non-stationary models, after their initialization period.