Generic SSF

Generic state space form

We write

It represents the cumulator variable, from the beginning of each benchmarking period (included) to the current period (excluded). and

So that $y_t^C=\mathbf{y}_{t/c}$ when $t+1$ is a multiple of $c$ and is unobserved otherwise.

We consider that the unobserved disaggregated series has a state space form (SSF) identified by the state $\tilde\alpha_t$ and the system matrices $\left[ \tilde Z_t,\tilde H_t,\tilde T_t,\tilde V_t, \tilde S_t, \tilde a_{-1}, \tilde P_*,\tilde B,\tilde P_\infty \right]$ (see Ssf model ).

The benchmarking SSF is the original SSF extended by the cumulator variable

State vector

The state is $\alpha_t=\begin{pmatrix}y_t^C & \tilde\alpha_t \end{pmatrix}$




Regression model

The regression model is now built on the cumulated series $y_t^C = X_t^C \beta+\mu_t^C$.

The problem is then a simple problem of missing observations, which can be easily computed by means of the Kalman smoother.