We suppose that follows an ARMA model.
The X12 implementation computes the exact likelihood in two main steps
We consider the transformation
It is obvious that
We will estimate
is a pure moving average process. Its exact likelihood is estimated as follows (see [1] for details). We list below the different steps of the algorithm.
Compute the conditional least squares residuals by the recursion:
Compute the Pi-Weights of the model. They defines the (n+q x q) matrix
Compute by recursion
Compute by Cholesky decomposition
Obtain by recursion the exact likelihood residuals
The processing defines the linear transformation and the searched determinant.
is easily obtained by considering the join distribution of
It is distributed as
[1] Otto M. C., Bell W.R., Burman J.P. (1987), “An Iterative GLS Approach to Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Regression Models with Arima Errors”, Bureau of The Census, SRD Research Report CENSUS/SRD/RR_87/34.